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My Drug Dealer Brought Me to God reached Bestseller status in 4 categories and #1 New Release in 9 categories! 


How a Self Hating LGBTQ Addict found God, Self-Love, and Self-Acceptance

My Drug Dealer Brought me to god

Book Jacket
Audio Trailer


Dr. Ryan Joseph Allen is an Author, Transformational Coach, and Speaker sharing his life experiences, vast nonprofit expertise, and ultimately leading leaders.

Ryan authentically shares his story to inspire others to share their stories. When we show up hyper-authentically we are able to help change those around us simply by being oneself.

Ryan has navigated the nonprofit sector by cofounding, founding, and acting as the Executive Director for various nonprofit organizations. His goal is to LEAD the LEADERS and show others how to impact the community and world through kindness, acceptance, and love!

Ryan's hybrid self-help memoir titled, “My Drug Dealer Brought Me To God” has sold thousands of copies and is a bestselling title. He recently completed his doctoral work 
bridging the gap between trauma, spirituality, and posttraumatic growth.

“Never doubt for one moment you are anything less. You are worthy. You are capable. You are the only one holding yourself from the miracles that are ever so bountiful in this world. Shine. Sparkle. Illuminate the planet with your brilliance!” ~Ryan Joseph Allen


How I Can Help You

Transformational coaching




Feeling stuck? Feeling yuck? Let me help you move past your comfort zone into the growth zone.


$200/ hour

$250/ 90-min



Business/ Nonprofit startup coaching


You bring the passion and let me help with the navigating the logistics of living your dream life! 


$200/ hour

$250/ 90-min


Spiritual coaching


Let me meet you where you're at on you spiritual journey. I'll help you heal from past spiritual or religious wounding.


$200/ hour

$250/ 90-min


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